Providing Training for Clinical and non-Clinical Staff in the Health Care Sector since 2007
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Welcome to our Live & Interactive Online Training Calendar
(usually via Microsoft Teams or Zoom - check each flyer for confirmation of which)
Please see below for our live and interactive webinar sessions for both Clinical and non-Clinical Training, our preferred online platform is Zoom, but we do also use Microsoft Teams, it can be useful for Candidates to familiarise themselves with the various platforms prior to attending.
You will need to use IT that enables you to see and hear the session (computer, laptop, phone, tablet), and to be able to interact easily, a microphone and webcam (although you can use the 'chat' function during the session if necessary). We ask that you join any sessions with your video switched on so that we can adhere to duty of care and safeguarding recommended guidelines.
​Please see below for our current sessions and instructions on how to join.
Please consider signing up to our mailing list so that we can keep you up to date on developments, training sessions, membership information.