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Subsidised Bookings

Pharmaceutical Sponsorship


Network for Practices, on occasions, is able to obtain Pharmaceutical Sponsorship towards the costs of training sessions.  We are very grateful to this relationship with Pharma, as we are able to ensure the viability of under-subscribed training sessions and even run some free for members.  NfP offers them the opportunity to promote their products by means of virtual presentations or stand and exhibition space at face to face events.


No pharmaceutical companies are involved in the selection of speakers, agenda items or any other matters relating to the training, unless clearly stated.


In the case of Pharmaceutical Sponsorship, your name, Practice and role will be shared with the Representative, but not your email address. 


B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire ICB


Funding may be available for certain roles such as Nurses, Nurse Associates, Paramedics and Allied Health Professionals, working in B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire Practices; this will be confirmed upon booking and in course advertising. Please see the full list below:












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Privacy Information - If a candidate books a BSW Training Hub fully funded place, NfP is obligated to share their name, role, Practice and NHS email address with BSW ICB, for funding purposes.

BSW ICB Eligibility Criteria for Funding - 2_edited.jpg

Registered under the Data Protection Act Ref: ZA006304

Network for Practices Ltd. Company No. 06435074. - Incorporated at Companies House, Cardiff 22nd November 2007.


"Endorsed by Wessex LMCS"

Last Updated May2020

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