Providing Training for Clinical and non-Clinical Staff in the Health Care Sector since 2007
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Job title with the number of hours and a brief job description (no more than 3 lines of text); how to apply, with contact name and a telephone number plus an email alternative and a website address, if available, and also a closing date.
The bulletin is produced weekly, on a Friday, so short closing dates may not be appropriate for this bulletin and will be shared with local Primary Care and other public organisations.
In order to reduce or eliminate the possibility of any discrimination issues, it is important when drafting ads for the bulletin that you do not seek experience that you cannot defend. All surgeries/employers advertising posts are responsible for ensuring that all and any legal checks are undertaken for positions that involve working with vulnerable people or groups, and that wording of advertisements is non-discriminatory. We recommend that application forms are used and required to ensure a level playing field.
***This service is free to NFP member surgeries. In return, we ask that you post the bulletin on staff notice boards and/or distribute via email to all staff. For non-member surgeries we are happy to receive and post vacancies however there will be a fee of £20 for up to 8 weeks per insertion. Long term adverts may be placed for up to 6 months for £50. ***
If you would like your name added to the distribution list please email admin@networkforpractices.co.uk